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OpenStack Mitaka : Configure Manila#1 (Control Node)
Install OpenStack Shared File System (Manila).
This example shows to install Shared File Systems on the existing environment like follows.
For requirements on this example, it uses Cinder Storage as a backend,
so Configure Cinder and create a disk before it, refer to here. (it created a disk "disk01" with LVM backend on here)
Furthermore, it configured VLAN type of provider networking on this example.
+----------------------+            |            +-----------------------+
|   [ Control Node ]   |            |            |   [ Network Node ]    |
|       Keystone       |   ||       DHCP Agent      |
|        Glance        |------------+------------|       L3 Agent        |
|       Nova API       |eth0        |        eth0|       L2 Agent        |
|    Neutron Server    |            |            |    Metadata Agent     |
|      Cinder API      |            |            |    Cinder Volume      |
|      Manila API      |            |            |                       |
+----------------------+            |            +-----------------------+
                        |   [ Compute Node ]   |
                        |     Nova Compute     |
                        |       L2 Agent       |
                        |     Manila Share     |

First, Configure Control Node on this section.
[1] Add a user or endpoint for Manila on existing Keystone Server.
# add manila user

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack user create --domain default --project service --password servicepassword manila

| Field              | Value                            |
| default_project_id | 4a80b177558b49d7a58038770a344aeb |
| domain_id          | dc18e12756a54ce7aea35e99f01decd8 |
| enabled            | True                             |
| id                 | cbe4a3be2a7f44329de9eca88b73c312 |
| name               | manila                           |

# add manila user to admin role

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack role add --project service --user manila admin
# add service entry for manila

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack service create --name manila --description "OpenStack Shared Filesystem" share

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | OpenStack Shared Filesystem      |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | ea2e5f7bd7e44395b5295ff969071ee9 |
| name        | manila                           |
| type        | share                            |

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack service create --name manilav2 --description "OpenStack Shared Filesystem V2" sharev2

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | OpenStack Shared Filesystem V2   |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 6999db0974894d33b919b9e865e82c33 |
| name        | manilav2                         |
| type        | sharev2                          |

# define IP of a node for installing Manila API

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
export controller=
# add endpoint for manila (public)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne share public http://$controller:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | 1a89ac638a2a432d87b0081142771a5c       |
| interface    | public                                 |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | ea2e5f7bd7e44395b5295ff969071ee9       |
| service_name | manila                                 |
| service_type | share                                  |
| url          | |

# add endpoint for manila (internal)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne share internal http://$controller:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | 764bb41a862548a0907fd1283750c43a       |
| interface    | internal                               |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | ea2e5f7bd7e44395b5295ff969071ee9       |
| service_name | manila                                 |
| service_type | share                                  |
| url          | |

# add endpoint for manila (admin)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne share admin http://$controller:8786/v1/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | 992cd571f6b445359f58f89409f44a63       |
| interface    | admin                                  |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | ea2e5f7bd7e44395b5295ff969071ee9       |
| service_name | manila                                 |
| service_type | share                                  |
| url          | |

# add endpoint for manila (v2 public)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne sharev2 public http://$controller:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | 5adbeb5f25954c9292afe3dd8aca892f       |
| interface    | public                                 |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | 6999db0974894d33b919b9e865e82c33       |
| service_name | manilav2                               |
| service_type | sharev2                                |
| url          | |

# add endpoint for manila (v2 internal)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne sharev2 internal http://$controller:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | e4705716f5284e29ab017ff5c5c68072       |
| interface    | internal                               |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | 6999db0974894d33b919b9e865e82c33       |
| service_name | manilav2                               |
| service_type | sharev2                                |
| url          | |

# add endpoint for manila (v2 admin)

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne sharev2 admin http://$controller:8786/v2/%\(tenant_id\)s

| Field        | Value                                  |
| enabled      | True                                   |
| id           | 1c60a297ce5f4582bfbac722b5e9e327       |
| interface    | admin                                  |
| region       | RegionOne                              |
| region_id    | RegionOne                              |
| service_id   | 6999db0974894d33b919b9e865e82c33       |
| service_name | manilav2                               |
| service_type | sharev2                                |
| url          | |
[2] Create a database for Manila to MariaDB.
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
mysql -u root -p

Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 46
Server version: 5.5.47-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>
create database manila;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>
grant all privileges on manila.* to manila@'localhost' identified by 'password';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>
grant all privileges on manila.* to manila@'%' identified by 'password';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>
flush privileges;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]>

[3] Install Manila services.
# install from Mitaka, EPEL

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
yum --enablerepo=centos-openstack-mitaka,epel -y install openstack-manila python-manilaclient
[4] Configure Manila.
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
mv /etc/manila/manila.conf /etc/manila/manila.conf.org

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
vi /etc/manila/manila.conf
# create new

api_paste_config = /etc/manila/api-paste.ini
rootwrap_config = /etc/manila/rootwrap.conf
state_path = /var/lib/manila
auth_strategy = keystone
rpc_backend = rabbit
default_share_type = default_share_type
# MariaDB connection info

connection = mysql+pymysql://manila:password@
# Keystone auth info

auth_uri =
auth_url =
memcached_servers =
auth_type = password
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
project_name = service
username = manila
password = servicepassword
lock_path = $state_path/tmp
# RabbitMQ connection info

rabbit_host =
rabbit_port = 5672
rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = password
[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
chmod 640 /etc/manila/manila.conf

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
chgrp manila /etc/manila/manila.conf

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
su -s /bin/bash manila -c "manila-manage db sync"

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
systemctl start openstack-manila-api openstack-manila-scheduler

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
systemctl enable openstack-manila-api openstack-manila-scheduler

# show status

[root@dlp ~(keystone)]#
manila service-list

| Id | Binary           | Host          | Zone | Status  | State | Updated_at                 |
| 1  | manila-scheduler | dlp.srv.world | nova | enabled | up    | 2016-05-13T11:39:53.000000 |